Meet the Creator

The Chandler Ashton Collection was created initially as an outlet to lift my vibrations. To combat the ongoing struggles of not being in a creative space or mode that leads to depression. When I am curating candles, I feel at peace. I pour each batch with love, carefulness, gratitude, and the mindset of I am helping to fill a need in the community and the world.
I have always loved candles and natural products. But, I am extremely allergic to alot of the ingredients that some candles have and a lot of the body and face products on the store shelves contain. So, I began creating and pouring my own natural soy candles and other natural body and face products due to my sensitivity and my son’s sensitivity.
Our company is here to provide and curate all natural candles and products with God’s GRACE and LOVE. With a special thanks to my 5 year old son, the MUSE behind:
The Chandler Ashton Collection